
orangebirthday – ‘a1x’

Post Author: Kaya Haskins

Lose yourself in the Texas experimental artist’s latest release

A few years back when Kanye West brought the sense of synesthesia into the mainstream, it seemed like every press release from a rising ‘alt’ indie-pop artist laid claim to that ability as well. Fairview, TX-based experimental artist orangebirthday makes no such assertion, but the music he produces certainly does all the evocative work for you in the mind’s eye.

orangebirthday’s (real name Jacob Hagedorn) latest release, a1x, is a collection of whirring, bubbling, undulating sketches that despite their run time always feel like a complete thought. Taken as a whole, a1x is an experience that makes you feel like your in motion while sitting still and offers deep pools of sound to wade through. If you can find yourself a wooded area, some good headphones and a nice rock to sit on, a1x is perfectly suited to alight senses and parts of your brain that rarely receive a workout.

Orangebirthday offers, “‘All first loves have colors. She wore an orange shirt on our anniversary which was my birthday.”

Stream orangebirthday’s a1x in full below and look for more from the artist via Bandcamp.