
Stream: Picture, True EP

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David Kyhlberg has taken on the solo moniker Picture, combining the beauty and essence of his prior work as Sail A Whale with synthesized still-life pieces crafted into new forms of electro dance kinesis from Malmö, Sweden. And like the pulse from Kyhlberg's hometown, the “Everything Time” rising build invokes the sound of subterranean late night gatherings, industrial warehouse soirées and those after parties that leave you stumbling for a cab blurry eyed, obsessing over social media photo feeds from the few hours that turned your evening into an early morning.

In the way that Sail A Whale moved along the waves of rolling harmonic sustained keys, Picture fixes the aperture on the possibilities that come from re-imagining how many ways the rising tension of a dance bridge build up can work, and what images can be lent within those moments of space-time. Headlining title track ringer “True” showcases these new dimensions of dance that Kyhlberg has patented with the quest to define “What is true/what is fine/what is yours and what is mine.” The Fairlight CMI sound waves on “Third” evoke a time-elapsed series of video images that go from a pre-dawn sleepy city to the slow rising sun, and the subsequent bustle and high speed motion of morning traffic. David then takes you on a train ride through “Malmo City Tunnel”, complete with glittering keys and vocal synths as you depart from Malmo City Centre on a late morning commute to Copenhagen.

For a different dance take on the opener “Everything Time” we invite you to listen to Fort Romeau's Midnight Dub remix that kicks with an executive's private booth beat. Fort Romeau's album Kingdoms is available now from 100% Silk.

Picture's True EP is out now from Cascine.