The shoegaze revival is becoming increasingly better understood, appreciated, and done justice to by young artists coming from all over, utilizing more and more effectual tones and themes to instill notions of intense beauty, shrouded in heavy effects. A gorgeous amalgamation of just about every facet of the genre makes up “Us Now”, the first single off LA duo Them Are Us Too’s debut record, Remain, out March 24 on Dais Records. So much sound is happening in the track, from heavy synthetic drumming, to swirling eddies of synth tones and harsh clashes of overdrive, to the famous flute sounds of My Bloody Valentine and the soulful vocal audacity of Cocteau Twins. Together, vocalist Kennedy Ashlyn Wenning and guitarist Cash Askew paint a dreamscape both airy and extremely weighty, dancing between the frivolity of youth, and the gravity of age. In the hands of producer Joshua Eustis (Nine Inch Nails, Telefon Tel Aviv), the sound shines as both elaborately composed and beautifully busy.