
Vaadat Charigim, “Odisea”


If you've woken up on the soft side of the bed, letting the yellow light float into your room with perhaps a smile on your face as you drift awake, you're going to understand this Vaadat Charigim track on an exceptionally deep level. It's got that early morning vibe—shoegazey and full up on crushingly warm noise, like wearing a guitar blanket to bed. The track bleeds on for over seven minutes and it's like those mornings where you just let yourself dally between awake and asleep state. Slowly unravel into your day with “Odisea”, you'll thank us.

This track comes from Vaadat Charigim's debut record, The World Is Well Lost, which will release on Burger Records on November 12. Look here for an in-depth interview we did with the Israeli shoegazers on what it's like to be a world away but sound so close.