
Vigo Thieves, “Razorblade”

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“Razorblade” comes off the debut album of Vigo Thieves, who first reached acclaim in their hugely successful EPs in 2012 and 2013, Heart & Soul pt. 1 & pt. 2. This 5-piece of passion junkies took their greatest influence from The Killers, and have been around since 2008. Soul and heart even mix with jazz in this latest splash, with a free download of “Razorblade” that can be found on the player below.

“Razorblade” came off now available Heartbeats, led by Stevie, Gino, Barry, Chris, and Al. These feel-good pop rock beats can and do fill the room, piecing together hook after hook. Their Facebook can be found here, along with their new album, currently available.