
White Hills, “In Your Room”

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When the up-down-left-right bass line of White Hills' “In Your Room” turns on, it feels like a welcome entry into the world of hollowed-out spacerock, like crossing a threshold from which we might never return. As the vocals tune in to repeat “in your room, in your room,” the feeling of being encompassed by a sound so large it could break your spirit if you let it, is all that we need to get in bed with White Hills. The track drones on with the same elevated guitar sound and the bass pummeling through four notes, to the point of sheer hypnotism, until it abruptly changes pace to feature a psychy guitar solo and some group-ish vocals. It's a treat for the manipulated mindsphere, entirely reminiscent of staring at a black-and-white swirl for too long. This is the new Twilight Zone.

White Hills' new record, So You Are . . . So You'll Be, comes out on August 20 through Thrill Jockey. You can preorder that here.