
Wimps, “Distraction”

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If anyone understands the general malaise of daily life, it’s Wimps. “Is this the best that it gets?” the Seattle punks beg on their newest single, “Distraction”. You can probably relate, but if that’s the case, well, “you might be depressed.” Still, there’s nothing languid about the dizzying track, which clocks in at just under two minutes, maintaining a frenzied pace throughout.

By now, it’s clear that this is Wimps’ MO: manic little ditties characterized by infectious pop hooks and melancholy lyrics, all served at breakneck speed by guitarist/singer Rachel Ratner and Co. For them, the quotidian struggle is all too real. Wimps spawn tracks detailing some of life’s simplest pleasures: smoking weed, taking a nap, falling in love. Fun, wiry, and worthy of repeat listening, “Distraction” is just the band’s latest diversion from the daily hustle.

“Distraction” is featured on Cold Jungle II, a compilation that also includes La Luz, Mount Eerie, King Dude, and more, out August 5 on Cairo Records.