
Young Galaxy, “New Summer”

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With their new album set to release via Paper Bag Records on April 23, Young Galaxy have shared a new track called “New Summer” along with its companion Doldrums remix. Both the track and its warped brother are arresting, hopeful glimpses of what the best season always provides: a refreshing respite with the occasional kettle drum melody marking time in our heads. Young Galaxy frontwoman Catherine McCandless lilts, “Here it comes again / the beautiful warm weather / right before the end of everything forever” and our heart breaks thinking about how summer always feels so scarily close, but passes by so quickly once it's here.

The SoundCloud mix posted by Paper Bag is perfect as it streams the original and the remix back-to-back, making for a heady look into the remixing process. The original track is light, flippant, and increases in density as time moves on, while the Doldrums remix shifts down several octaves, is slowed, and manic with crisp and complicated Windows 95 push-button beats. Both songs are reminding us that summer isn't as far off as we thought.

Young Galaxy's fourth album, Ultramarine, is available for preorder through Paper Bag here and they're on tour in Europe through May.