
Tera Melos guitarist Nick Reinhart releases Scary Sounds for Halloween

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Halloween is a dumb holiday* so however you get your kicks is fine with me. You're likely going to want to do something like hang out with all your brodies in your very cool costumes and pound lots of spooky punch while the cackles of young children float through the neighborhood. It doesn't matter. If you're like me, and you think the holiday is mostly obnoxious, you'll easily find joy in Tera Melos guitarist Nick Reinhart's Scary Sounds record, a release that uses only guitar to make a fourteen tracks of “get off my lawn” music for kids. Stream the full thing below (or pick up a copy for $6.66) and accept that if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

*These opinions are my own and do not reflect those of the rest of the Impose staff. But they should.