
Akron/Family's Seth Olinsky debuts new record label with 20 Artist Tape series, Kickstarter, and more

lightning records

In the age of crowdfunded creativity, anybody with an idea and enough gumption to do it can pursue their artistic dreams. Seth Olinsky, of both Akron/Family and Cy Dune, is doing just that with the inception of a new record label called Lightning Records whose structure is wildy different than most newborn labels. Utilizing a Kickstarter page, Olinsky is raising money to fund two initial projects: a 20 Artist Tape series and a Lightning Records quarterly, the former of which will feature the long line of amazing musicians listed below the project's video pitch. You can head to the Kickstarter page here to see what is in store for you if you contribute (coffee! art flags! parking lot shows!), and we'll check back in with Olinsky on developments as they come up.

Shinji Masuko (DMBQ/Boredoms)
American Culture
Cy Dune
Algae and the Tentacles
Ali Beletic
Wooden Wand
People of the North
Sam Amidon
William Tyler
Greg Saunier (Deerhoof)
Talibam! and Tim Dahl
Leverage Models
Sexy Thoughts (Kevin Shea)
Alan Bishop
David Daniell
Phil Weinrobe
Art Fad
Guardian Alien
New Beings
Nate Wooley
Chris Corsano Duo