
Skrillex, Grimes, Diplo to tour Canada by private train

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The joke goes:

So Diplo, Grimes, and Skrillex walk onto their private Canadian tour adventure train. Grimes turns to Skrillex across the aisle of the MDMA-dispensing car and says, “Hey, how did you get your hair like that? I think it looks really cool.” and Diplo wanders down the aisle and says, “Yeah! I agree! How can we market that to make people think you are from a more interesting place than New Jersey!”

Eh? Eh? Is this thing on?

The news is, yes, that Skrillex, Diplo, and Grimes, are touring Canada by train and at every stop there will be a little festival, and at least three other anime icons are going with them. One can only have the small comfort, that as they inspire legions of rural Canadian teens to use Pro-Active and ditch their initial angst-bands and go for the blissed-out dance music gold, that at least, instead of using massive, fossil-fuel guzzling tour busses, they are traveling by a much more eco-friendly locomotive.

Oh, what's what you say? The ecological benefits of using a train are null and void if the train is not full of people? Oh. Oh well.