
Tom Scharpling to retire The Best Show on WFMU on December 17

I know, I know, the only radio shows you listen to are Impose's very own on The Heritage Radio Network and Newtown Radio. That's fine, we aren't judging you because those are two incredible shows and you can tune in weekly on Wednesdays from 6/6:30pm. But if you're the kind who has ever once listened to the greatness that is The Best Show on WFMU with Tom Scharpling, you'll know that his announcement to retire the radio show after 13 years on air will bring sadness to many (including me). The show featured some great fucking taste (not hyperlocal but with the occasional friend) from Scharpling as well as a revolving cast of characters (most consistently voiced by Superchunk drummer Jon Wurster) and Philly Boy Roy is surely pouring some Yuengling out today. The show will go off the radiowaves on December 17. (via AV Club)

Listen to a hilarious segment with Philly Boy Roy below and head to WFMU to stream archived episodes of the show in memoriam.