
Lightning Bolt, A Place To Bury Strangers, and JEFF The Brotherhood Death by Audio

Post Author: Edwina Hay

On Saturday, November 22, Death by Audio held their final concert at 49 S. 2nd Street in Brooklyn, NY featuring performances by Lightning Bolt (of Providence, RI), A Place To Bury Strangers (of Brooklyn, NY), JEFF The Brotherhood (of Nashville, TN) and Grooms (of Brooklyn, NY). People sang “Happy Birthday” to Oliver Ackermann of A Place To Bury Strangers before their performance as a candlelit pie was brought to the stage, and the night was filled with emotion as the venue closed with many friends and family in attendance. After the final performance by Lightning Bolt, an afterparty was held in The Ranch that was DJed by Marty McSorley into the wee hours of Sunday morning.

We recently collected testimonials for a living tribute to the beloved concert venue and that can be found here.

Death by Audio closed down in a grand way. Our sincere thanks to the founders, employees, residents and bands that performed at Death by Audio during their final 75 days. <3