The funky pop kings out of L.A who call themselves B00TY just released the highly danceable and addicting single “Modern Romance”. The track features heavy influences from the 1970’s and early 80’s disco and funk scene with their own modern spin on it. Take a listen below.
In spite of the recent debut release of their new single, the duo carefully devised a groovy playlist for all to listen to. Check it out below as they give us their thoughts on each track.
Heart don’t stand a chance by Anderson Paak
What hasn’t been said about Anderson… he’s the best. This is a perfect first track for this playlist. So many beautiful lyrics. Maybe none more so than “You’re talking with the blunt of your hand, won’t u pass that”
Love by Kendrick ft. Zacari
This was probably the best love song of 2017 and is one of the best songs on one of the best albums ever. Besides Zacari saying “love me” with the most angelic vibrato in the game, k dot saying “I’m like an exit away” is probably the most relatable line for anyone in LA ever.
Ordinary Love by Sade
No love playlist is complete without Sade. Everything Sade says is the most beautiful thing ever. She could sing about getting her car towed and we’d still be completely entranced. So happy we have new Sade for the new Wrinkle in Time movie.
Smoke Break by Chance The Rapper featuring Future
One of the most chill song titles ever – one of the most beautiful love songs ever. If you ever smoked with a significant other, then you already know. If u haven’t, then probably get on that ASAP
Modern Romance by B00TY
We made this song with Pomo and Danny McKinnon. In this song, we talk about trying to find love in the modern world. “I just want somebody to trust… preferably on my side of town.”
Isn’t She Lovely by Stevie Wonder
Stevie is the most iconic. If I could live in a world where Stevie wonder could sing this song to my girlfriend or some shit at my wedding, I’d be complete. Also, this song is about making a baby and how beautiful the child is. So it’s like both sexual and not at all, but also u can only make a baby if u bang so…
Really Love by D’Angelo
It should go without saying that Black Messiah is one of the best albums of all time. D’Angelo is way up there on our list of dream collabs.
Let’s Stay Together by Al Green
Al Green has the single greatest falsetto ever. This song is everything.
In My Life by The Beatles
As far as songwriting goes, John Lennon might be Michael Jordan. This one’s a personal favorite. The Beatles wrote so many of the best love songs ever, but this one really stands out.
Something About Us by Daft Punk
Daft Punk are the pretty much the goats of modern dance music. The groove on this track is as good as it gets. This song is impossible to overplay.