
Larry Bell Hates the Earth

Post Author:
Larry Bell

Well, America, we wrapped up June just fine this year. Many of our cities were reporting it to be one of the wettest Junes on record. And of course we rode that right into a miserable Fourth of July weekend where 90 degrees no longer seems to be indicative of a heat wave, rather just par for the course.

As luck would have it, last week Forbes gifted us another climate policy op-ed from longtime, white male, Larry Bell. He’s made a name for himself as another who arrogantly denies the existence of global warming, and his current article beautifully continues his narrative.

The headline, “Even the New York Times Has Chilled on Global Warming. Someone Please Tell Obama,” is jarring and does its job to capture the reader’s attention. I took Larry’s bait, and clicked through to read his article. What I found, however, was a series of not-so cleverly cut up quotes used to mislead anyone having questions about global warming and climate science.

What follows are some notes for Mr. Larry Bell:
