

PRISM index

“My process for assembling the books is straight out of a romantic novel,” says Jeffrey Bowers, editor-curator-designer-proprietor of PRISM index, and an illustrator and video-artist

Serious Sauce Vol 2: Slyy

Slyy makes Serious Sauce Vol 2

MJ MJ records cannot stress enough that you should smoke weed while listening to Serious Sauce Vol 2, a tape of beat productions by Slyy,

Reuben Wu photographs

Reuben Wu on the road

Reuben Wu, Liverpudlian DJ, designer, and keyboardist of Ladytron, received his first camera for Christmas when his dad secretly exchanged a toy gun from someone

Olekranon, <i>Abadina</i>

Olekranon, Abadina CD-R

We perennially hear from the sludgy industrial death heap that is Olekranon, and this time around the lead-off's a faker, a bunt to pure darkwave