
Arroyo Low discusses his upcoming debut album 2020

Post Author: Myles Hunt

L.A. producer offers glimpse of debut LP with eclectic, ambient pop single “Change”

Flip the switch and join the weird electric summer. Who will be providing the energy for this spark? It will come from L.A. with a funky-instrumental pulse thanks to the sounds of Arroyo Low’s (Dane Sandborg) latest track “Change.” This is but a taste of the goodness to come on July 29 with the release of his debut album 2020 via Bodan Kuma Recordings.

The man has already gained new fans thanks to the previous tasty bits in singles “Limousine” and “Windsor.” This collection is sure to be a well-studied piece of musical documentation with audiophiles who will be enamored and curious all the way through.

“Change” is really set in its own microscopic eclectic void. Tones meet the listeners ears as if a clear transition is commencing. Twinkles levitate the ambiance leading through a tunnel of openness. Catchy beats urge the head to bob and ponder. The track is full of ever-expanding opportunities to explore as the listener delves deeper. Each modification or shift offers a new take and unique dedication to musical adventure. It has a solemn cloak, yet reaches to the heights of cautious optimism. Let the song burn slowly and relax.

In addition to “Change,” keep an eye out for his next single “Moments” – set to be released on July 8th. Dane shared his thoughts on the process and progress to date.

As a producer, what is your go-to for starting a track? Do you write first, add layers/beats or start by recording sounds elsewhere? Give me the rundown of your creative exploration from conception to completion.

My go-to for starting a track is almost always creating a beat and laying down drums!…That isn’t always the case. I love making my own samples, finding samples and creating pads and atmosphere to start sometimes. My methods and approach change based on what I’m feeling and my environment. 

What is special about this new body of work? Is there a story, message or feeling behind it all? 

[The album] was almost all recorded in 2020 spanning from the beginning of the pandemic to fall 2020. I feel it really captured a moment of time for me across a myriad of emotions; isolation, loss, peace, hope, and acceptance to name a few. I recorded everything myself either in Three Rivers, CA or my home studio in Topanga Canyon. 

What are your goals beyond this? Is there a space that you think your music would be a good fit?

I’d love to reach as many people as possible with my music! I’m just getting started. I’m really excited to play bigger stages. In putting a band together for the live shows and I can see now where I really want to take the project. 

Are there visual artists that help guide your concepts? If so, can you share some and why?

Absolutely! Michael Rollins is an incredible visual artist and VJ who has partnered with me for this project. He’s my other band member. The visuals whenever applicable create the space and container. We’re creating a video for each song and will be releasing NFTs with the album release on July 29.

What are some relaxing things you do when not engaged in the musical world? What calms Arroyo Low?

Nature and all its activities; hiking, camping, exploring, scuba diving and sailing. I love going to the Channel Islands off of Ventura and Santa Barbara. I do my best to exercise regularly and meditate which is also calming. More often than not, I will also default to just making more music.