Gabby Smith is not exactly on vacation. But seated in the sun next to a roaring waterfall in the middle of upstate New York, she may as well be. In reality, the twenty-six year-old singer behind Eskimeaux is in the middle of an exhausting four-week tour. It’s mid-April now, and Gabby has been on the road since the end of March: first with Eskimeaux, who were on tour with the New York chiptune/indiepop trio Crying, and then straight into a run playing synth in Bellows, who are currently on the road with Sharpless. During the upstate New York bouts of both tours, Smith and her tour mates use drummer Felix Walworth’s grandmother’s cozy country house outside of Poughkeepsie as a home base, a place to play chess and make minestrone soup before driving off to the next show. We’re not so far away this afternoon, as the bands are recovering from last night’s homecoming show at Bard College, where Walworth and Bellows’ Oliver Kalb formally attended and Smith unofficially attended.