Last month, Jake Clarke (formerly of Superheaven) and punk collective Spur combined their talents into a 12″ split. With six songs from Clarke and five from Spur, the album is packed from beginning to end with an immense amount of punk rock talent. While songs like “Yellow Gown” give more of a soft rock vibe to the setting, “Freak Show” and “Get It Together” have strong punk ballad aspects to them. Clarke’s work, in particular, is absolutely stand out and the fact that he recorded and mixed all of his own music just goes to magnify his abilities as an artist.
As the music featured on the split is the first solo work from Clarke, we sat down with him for a rapid fire round of questions and answers to celebrate. Get to know Clarke, his music, and his message below.
What was the most recent album you listened to?
HNDRXX by Future is the last record I listen to.
How did you get your start in music? What role has it played in your life?
My neighbor had an electric guitar and I thought it seemed cool, so I decided to start playing. Music has played a pretty big part in ruining my life and making me have no money for most of my adult life, sleeping on a lot of floors and missing out on a lot back home but I wouldn’t trade that for anything.
Where do you feel most comfortable as an artist? In the studio, on stage, on tour? Or somewhere else?
I feel comfortable far away from a show and the “industry”at a coffee shop, drinking a great drip coffee or if it’s on the weekend, a nice latte. Writing is stressful, tour is draining and during every show I always think “this would be better if there were 50 more people here.”
A 12″ split release isn’t something you find every day- who or what brought this all together?
Me and my friend Matt thought it would be cool if I did a record with a new, younger band. Spur was the perfect band, and I feel as the two sides complement each other nicely.
What has it been like working with Disposition Collective?
It’s amazing because it’s my label that I run with my friend Matt Wren.
As your first solo release, does it feel that much different than the recording process for a band?
Much different, it’s pretty lonely. I spent the late summer waking up and driving to my parents house (where I record) and tracking the whole record all by myself. Some days it was hard to get moving because I had no one pushing me to do it except myself.
What challenges do you feel you face as a 21st century musician that artists in the past may not have encountered?
No challenges, it’s insanely easy to be a “musician” today. I can’t imagine being a band in the 90’s and leaving for a tour with no gps, no cell phone, and hoping that you don’t get lost.
Where have you found your inspiration to continually create music?
After Superheaven stopped, I had a lack of creating in my life. I felt as if I was losing a part of me not creating music and playing out. It has been all I’ve known since I was 17 out on my first tour.
What else do you have planned for 2017?
More writing, hopefully recording an LP and more shows. I can’t see me going full time with this “solo” stuff right now but who knows, I’m dumb enough to think it’s a good idea to start touring again in my mid 20’s.
Anything else?
No, but thank you for anyone who took time out of their day and read this and thank you to Impose for doing this with me.
Jake Clarke/Spur Split LP is available now via Disposition Collective.