
Mauno’s Guide to Halifax, Part 1

Post Author: Impose Automaton

Nova Scotia’s talented dream pop quartet Mauno – comprised of Nick Everett (guitar), Eliza Niemi (bass), Adam White (drums) and Scott Boudreau (guitar) – has been prepping their debut album, Rough Master, for quite some time. Released at the end of October, the album is a lightweight, beautiful, swirling collection of wonderfully composed indie pop tracks that will boost your mood in no time.

But somehow – in between the late nights and the hard work on the record – the foursome had time to come up with a pretty extensive guide to their hometown of Halifax. Included are three podcasts accompanied by photos and information for added effect.

This is the first in a three part series. Enjoy.


This is one of my favourite places in Halifax — the space between the McDonald’s and the Fitness FX.  Most of the time you walk by, people are running on treadmills staring straight at the MacDo’s, people are doing whatever that stroke thing is that people do in gyms to make you better at team boats toward the Mickey’s.  The McYa’s itself is decorated inside like a Victorian garden party and makes literally no sense.  Black hole of meaning and it has my heart. – Nick


Truly Tasty is a ramen restaurant on one of Halifax’s main strips, Quinpool Road. We go there all the time even though it gives me weird poops. It’s so good that it’s worth it, even with the weird poops. You should really try it if you’re in Halifax! Pictured here is me, Eliza, then Molly, then her partner Sam who plays in the Everywheres who have a song called “South of Quinpool Road”, then that’s Nick. We ran into these buds waiting to eat there because there’s always a line because it’s so freakin’ good EVEN though it gives ya weird poops! – Eliza


That is the library at the University of King’s College, where I study and also work at a coffee shop called the Galley. We played our first Mauno show ever in a yurt in front of these steps in September 2014 for King’s frosh week. It was lit. – Eliza


Wealth disparity is the same here as it is everywhere else in Canada — exaggerated to extremes and repugnant.  Here’s a yacht. – Nick


These are two of my favourite human beings on this earth — Scott and Eliza.  We welcomed Scott a little while ago and since he’s been with us, everything’s just been better and our days have been brighter and our laughs have been so long that it hurts and you pee in your last clean pair of underwear. – Nick


We’re at the library overlooking the citadel. Both, I couldn’t really give less of a fuck about, except they seem like important landmarks in Halifax.  I get my books sent the library near my house if they’re from the public system and to King’s if they’re from the university system.  Basically, FO you beautiful historical site and you beautiful new architectural wonder. – Nick


Rough Master is available now.