
The cult of Krill

Post Author: Loren DiBlasi
David Blaine's the Steakhouse

Leaning back in my chair, I observe the spread before me. I’m in the cramped back room of a Bushwick coffee shop, the din of what sounds like glorified elevator music drowning out the hiss of pouring rain outside. Including myself, there are four people huddled around a small breakfast table. Each of my companions has made a different choice.

Jonah Furman, bass in Krill: one bagel, one donut, no coffee.

Aaron Ratoff, guitar in Krill: one bagel, one coffee.

Ian Becker, drums in Krill: one scone, one coffee.

Clutching my own coffee, I’m watching Ian. He’s eating his scone and tasting little more than the bitter sting of regret. Clearly, he’s made the wrong choice. There is a brief moment’s debate. Soon, he rises from his chair, returning with a nice, plump bagel in hand.

“Every problem in life can be boiled down to sweet versus savory,” he says.

“What about this,” Aaron counters. “Your loved one is on life support and you have to decide whether or not to pull the plug. What then?”

Ian needs no time to think up a retort. “That’s still sweet versus savory. The sweet option would be to keep them alive, because it’s sentimental. The savory option would be to pull the plug. They both have positives and negatives.”