
Products of the Environment: 3rd Bass, Mr. Muthafuckin’ eXquire, World’s Fair and more at SRB Brooklyn

On Friday, July 12th, a hip hop show called “Products of the Environment” took place at SRB Brooklyn. The lineup featured performances by Queens groups Timeless Truth and World's Fair, Bronx's Bitches Is Crazy (BIC), Brooklyn's own Mr. Muthafuckin' eXquire and a headlining set by 3rd Bass. Yes, that 3rd Bass. The show gained its name from the songs from their debut record, The Cactus Album. Before 3rd Bass took the stage, an additional artist by the name of Sneakas performed a very short set.

The event was hosted by D-Stroy and began with a DJ set by Boogie Blind of The X-Ecutioners. All of the artists put on really strong sets but there were extremely memorable moments such as Bitches is Crazy walking on stage with an entire bottle of Jack Daniels and plastic cups to hand out to audience members. We were told the group would get us drunk and we were instructed to take a drink each time they said the word “bitches” (I must admit, I disobeyed this simple request). World's Fair member Prince SAMO got on stage on crutches due to one of his feet being in a cast. Despite being injured, he danced, hopped and flipped around on stage. After the World's Fair crew set ended, he declared he needed to rest for 30 minutes because he was fucking tired. Mr. Muthafuckin' eXquire relied mostly on his Kismet mixtape and his crew danced enthusiastically in the crowd and their energy seemed to have spread to everyone else. Ralph McDaniels, host of the long running NYC public television show, “Video Music Box,” spoke before the final set of the evening. That set was from none other than 3rd Bass, who performed their first show together in 13 years. Prime Minister Pete Nice, MC Serch and DJ Richie Rich performed songs from their first record The Cactus Album, initially released twenty five years ago, such as “Product of the Environment,” “Brooklyn-Queens,” “Steppin' to the A.M.,” and “The Gas Face.” In the 80s and 90s, Pete Nice utilized a cane to lean on and for this show a baker's dozen years later, his prop was an umbrella (it did rain that night after all). Devoted fans came to the concert with their albums or singles on vinyl and held them in the air. 3rd Bass' set closed with their most well known song, “Pop Goes The Weasel,” with the audience jumping up and down with Serch.