Slow Dancer

Melbourne’s Simon Okely, aka Slow Dancer brought the pure moods of In a Mood that is the soft & smooth pop of our generation that even your parents can probably get down with. Like the Kenny Loggins & Christopher Cross classics that you play unapolegetically without any hint of irony, Okely enchants with cool crooning standouts such as “Don’t Believe” that coyly wags the finger in song with a beckoning invitation that is furthered on “It Goes On” that illustrates the discourse of an all night dialogue of an intimacy that is expressed through some of the most suave arrangements ripped out of anachronisms that indicate another era.
Simon Okeley of Slow Dancer introduced the inception of In a Mood with the following exclusive prologue:
I got stung by a bee whilst hanging out the washing a few months ago. I went inside and thought nothing of it until I started to a feel hot and itchy all over. I Googled bee sting rash—It said to go straight to hospital. Once I arrived, my face looked like someone’s. I now carry an epi-pen everywhere and each day more than ever seems it could easily be my last. It is the skull on my writing desk. I’ve never appreciated life more.
At the time, In a Mood felt like my last record, my final musical day. I’d written it for no one but me, expecting no one to hear it. I had surrendered to the idea of being completely swallowed up by the get a real job phenomena forever threatening me. It had plans of its own. It traveled into the hands of some very influential people with very influential taste. It has now taken me to many beautiful parts of the world and introduced me to some truly remarkable individuals. I’ve never enjoyed music more.
I love how thinking about death can leave you more alive than ever.