Petite League

New York’s own Lorenzo Cook, aka Petite League offered up a listen to the sunny lo-fi sweetness of “Sun Dogs” found off the upcoming album Rips One Into The Night available September 1 from The Native Sound. Following up the charm of “Pulling Teeth“, the vitamin D buzz can be heard in Lorenzo’s excitable delivery where the chord progressions are inextricably linked to the jumpy percussion that bubbles about like a water molecules boiling about in a kettle. “Sun Dogs” is a romantic love letter to be shared with that certain somebody in your life as endless days are stolen away & shared exclusively in those sacred & hidden places where few to no one know about & hours are lost in ineffable expressions & delights. We caught up with Petite League’s own Lorenzo Cook in an interview featured right after the following listen:
Give us the preview of what the ideal Petite League summer in Syracuse is gonna be like.
Well we actually all moved to New York last year so we’re posted up in Queens for the summer. Might go back but we have a lot planned here in the next couple of months. Syracuse in the summer real nice though. I’ll probably go back up to do some hiking and swimming for a weekend or two.
What else you got lit for this summer/fall?
We’ll be playing some shows this summer as we roll out the album as well setting everything up for the album release in September and hopefully a tour in the early fall!
Alright, describe the really rad lightning in the bottle that is the charm of “Sun Dogs” and what sorts of evening inspirations informed the inception of your third album, Rips One Into The Night?
Sun Dogs is sort of that bubbly, excited sound that was everywhere in the early 2000s. I see it as a sort of hybrid of that Strokes warmth and what was happening in the UK a little bit later with bands like Good Shoes and Mystery Jets. Henry also took a tip from Fleetwood Mac’s Walk A Thin Line and we double tracked his drum rolls in the song. We try a lot of new things on Rips One Into The Night that we haven’t done on our other records. I wanted to go off the path a little bit with this one. I guess that’s something that writing in New York will do to ya.
Local Syracuse happenings that you all would like to shine a light on?
Hell yeah! When we lived in Syracuse we had a house venue called the Scarier Dome and some of the dudes who were always there started their own spot called Space Camp after we graduated. They’ve absolutely been killing it this past year booking some great shows, definitely a big part of the scene up there. (link to their page Our friend Drew Shoupe runs a local print shop called Print Hub, also a big part of the Syracuse scene and a diligent worker if you need merch. There’s a lot more to do in Syracuse than people think. Great bars and food on Westcott and a ton of nature stuff to do in the summer. Just avoid it in the winter.
Current motivations & inspirations at this moment?
Well the record is finished but I’m doing some design work for our next batch of merch. The work never really stops but I am glad it’s finished and I can kind of sit back and watch it all start coming out and enjoy the summer.
Petite League’s Rips One Into The Night available September 1 from The Native Sound.