
Elvis Depressedly resurrected ice demons

In December 2014, Elvis Depressedly went on tour called “Ice Demon Resurrection” with Told Slant, playing cities such as Philadelphia, Brooklyn, Toronto, Chicago, Montreal, Cleveland and Pittsburgh. Before Mat Cothran and Delaney Mills began their tour in Washington, DC, we sent them two disposable cameras to use however they wanted while traveling. In return,  we received images of windmills, armor, furniture covered with used chewing gum, a ride on the NYC subway, bathroom portraits, and more.

Elvis Depressedly will be in Austin for SXSW this week and we have a feeling that they might be on a lineup that hasn’t been fully revealed just yet.

Before Depressedly’s record, New Alhambra, is released this Spring, we take a look back at his December 2014 tour which was documented on film.