
Fifty on Their Heels + Los Corvinas at Kadan, San Dieg

Post Author: Scott Pactor

Nothing belies the stereotype of wealthy complacent Southern California living like a quick trip to Mexicali

. Attentive Southern Californians have learned to keep one eye trained to culture emerging from the Mexican/American border area. It is an artistically fertile land of creation, and the Dickensian environment gives the whole area that extra “umph”.

I saw Los Corvinas for the first time playing a La Casa Tia Tina

, a squat-cum-art gallery in the the river zone area south of Calexico. Los Corvinas are firmly grounded in the Mexican garage rock aesthetic- the shit is howling wildness, raw and brimming with energy. They’ve earned some local media attention, but nothing along the lines of soon-to-be-opening for Rilo Kiley locals Grand Ole Party, or just opened for Cold War Kids semi-locals The Delta Spirit.

Last night, was “Trashcans Babies” monthly? Weekly? At Kadan. Kadan is a Mid City, University Heights watering hole with ambitious local ownership (ex- Brick by Brick). They are notable for bringing the first “Guitar Hero Night” to the San Diego area and for occasionally hosting decent IDM-y nights (by the Brokenbeat crew). I was interested to see how the small venue would handle two loudish rock bands, and to see what kind of crowd would show up, and I was impressed on both counts. The sound system, with the small problem of a hissing microphone, held up great and the crowd was substantial and appreciative.

Fifty on Their Heels opened the night with their San Diego Music Award Winning non-shitty punk sound. They are preparing for an upcoming Vegas showcase as part of the Amplify Music Festival (fingers crossed)- August 9th, Beauty Bar Las Vegas. The set last night was short and too the point – twenty minutes tops. The boys are getting ready to go back into the studio with Los Angeles based Producer/Rick Rubin-esque Studio Guru Shawn Jimmerson, so all of their shows have been short of late: working on new songs that are to be recorded / just trying shit out.

Los Corvinas

headlined to an appreciative audience comprised equally of their substantial Imperial Valley hailing posse and a smattering of locals. To my ear, the music is loud, sloppy and discordant on PURPOSE. Certainly the back story on this band is more compelling then “a bunch of spoiled rich kids from Orange County/Los Angeles/San Diego/San Francisco”.