
Globular installation at The Womb Gallery

Post Author: Erika Mugglin

New York based photographer Erika Mugglin spent some time away from home working on a traveling art installation. She shares the following information and photos about the project:

Collaborative art making along the open road. Natalie Wetzel (G'NAT Productions and sculptress extraordinaire) had already completed works for Damn the Witch Siren and Mr. Gnome when I joined her in Tennessee for her G'NAT Art Tour. She had constructed a fitting celestial 'Space Lion Cub' suit that she wore during Spaceface's hometown performance in Memphis. Also joining us for construction was Daniel Huffman (New Fumes). After the faces were spaced, our next stop was OKC to work with Brainwasher. While in OKC we were thrilled to be fortunate enough to stay with Wayne Coyne. After seeing the sculpture we were creating in his egg shower (deformed wearable masses of tape and cellophane), he asked us to meet with him at The Womb Gallery to discuss constructing an installation for their stage. Our project was dubbed “Globular” and was constructed using only cellophane, tape, balloons, and insulation materials. We spent the month in a makeshift form of a residency, working at the Womb and living at Wayne's. In the end, the stage was named “The Galactic Uterus” and loomed over Julianna Barwick, Fox Glove, and provided an environment for a Skating Polly video. It was a spectacular example of the wondrous outcomes when artists work together through different mediums. The next stop for us will be SXSW to work on the newest project: Glittoris. To be involved, contact Natalie at n.wetzel.artist @

Installing at a gallery by day & spending nights at Wayne Coyne's home (of The Flaming Lips).