
Halloween vs. Obama

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Obama's all you want to hear about right now, but you might want to slow down. Think of it like that New Years where you solemnly promised yourself you'd stop drinking in the morning. You thought you'd turned over a new leaf, until that liquor store around the corner had that whiskey fire sale. Don't be surprised if your enthusiasm and pride of country devolves back into watching the Daily Show occasionally once the initial excitement's over.

Not you? Geez. Sorry! Of course not you! Just the other formerly apathetic anti-Americans you have to deal with on a daily basis.

On that note, remember Halloween?! We have pictures of Matt and Kim, Ponytail, AIDS Wolf, Fiasco et al performing at Danbro Warehouse, but Sam Horine also snuck into the scene to get some portraits, sans on-stage screaming/holding instruments/etc. etc. etc.