
Adjuncts, Clay Street Bruisers

Post Author: Robert Duguay

Sometimes punk rock needs a dose of quirkiness to become interestingly different. It has to get weird and a tad awkward so it doesn’t end up being some three chord dud with the same riff being played over and over again. The Adjuncts get it with their latest EP Clay Street Bruisers. It consists of 3 twangy and jangly tracks that are short and straight to the point. There’s definitely a punk vibe to their sound but it’s not what you’d typically associate the genre with.

“I think you could say we really found our niche with these songs and the ones to come, that we found a routine for writing and recording that really works for us”, says bassist James Berthiaume. “I also have to give accolades to Jason [Dolbec] for really working hard to become a very thorough engineer for our recordings. We named the EP after our practice space on Clay Street in the city, there’s a really great vibe there that every band who shares the space contributed to.”

A great example of The Adjuncts’ twang and jangle is “Rang Danglers”. There’s also a faint and spacey psychedelic aura around the track that keeps things peculiar while frontman Adam Hogue screams his lungs out. “Cape Palliser” has a jazzy beginning due to Dolbec’s skills on drums and then Hogue brings a distinct edginess with his guitar. Hogue’s voice gets atmospheric halfway through the song for a nice departure. One rifftastic track on the EP is “Fossil Fuels” that has Hogue getting electrified while the song conveys the problem with how humanity obtains their energy.

The Adjuncts will be performing at The News Café in Pawtucket, RI on December 17 with progressive noisemakers 14 Foot 1, indie blues act Songs To Drive Cars and power pop artist Chris Brunelle. To get ready for the show, give the Clay Street Bruisers EP a listen and as the band says, get ‘junct.