
Deanna Quinn, Deanna Quinn

Post Author: Meredith Schneider

Today, Fredonia, New York’s up-and-coming singer-songwriter extraordinaire Deanna Quinn releases her self-titled full length album. After the success she received on her single “Silent Killer” – and the way it made us feel – we were more than keen to hear the work in its entirety.

“Hearts” graces the sound space with simple notes on a piano, delicately elevating our emotions with the introduction of Deanna’s robust, gorgeous voice. Her narrative begins here, winding and beautiful with lyrics like “I’m getting ready, my time has come / My bones, they are weak and my heart, it is numb … He took my wings that I didn’t know I had / And he spread them far and let me see my path.” “Bring You Down” has more of an upbeat, soulful and jazzy vibe to it, while “Mean Man” focuses on exactly that. “Remedy” begins like a beloved Sara Bareilles track, highlighting staccato notes while Deanna’s voice delicately bounces along the track.

“Seasons” is a slower track, capturing a warmer instrumental sound than its predecessors. We revel in the first lyrics – especially at this time of year – that discuss the autumn changes, but maintain that her love has not changed before spinning into an exploration of that love. “Graceful Leaves” sounds just like its namesake, words addressing existential questions we so often turn to when enjoying nature. “Funny Little People” is one of our favorites, providing inspiration to its listener and allowing us to see that the one thing we all have in common is that we are just that. Funny little people.

“Silent Killer”, as we’ve gone into detail about, is very important to hear when you’re struggling with outside views. And then there’s “Ropes” – sadly, the last song on the work – which houses a bittersweet symphony of a song about letting go of love while questioning if it’s the right path. What a beautiful and wonderful testament to the lessons that come with each passing day.

Deanna Quinn is available now via Spotify and iTunes.