
Desert Tundra, Something Fierce

Post Author: Sophie Kemp

Desert Tundra‘s latest EP, Something Fierce, balances a very fine line between fierce and overdone. The four track album is jam packed with ’90s alt rock and early 2000s emo inspired motifs. You can hear it in the speed of the guitar work and most notably in the vocals of frontwoman Janet Jelena.
This record wants to make your heart pound and it wants to make you feel some kind of pain. They want you to understand what it means to be fierce, pissed off and angry. Perhaps listening to Something Fierce does this for its listeners. This desired effect does not come from the power of the songwriting or the skill of the band’s musicians. It comes from something deep inside, triggered by the amalgamation of its parts.
Something Fierce is an album that makes a lot of noise. But don’t let that noise take itself too seriously. Have fun with it. We sure will!

Something Fierce is available now.