
Sad13, Slugger

Post Author: Robert Duguay

There’s always a bit of intrigue that comes with a musician straying away from their band to put out their first solo release. Sometimes it’s in a similar vein of their band’s sound while at other times it can be refreshingly different. Boston artist Sadie Dupuis walks the fine line between the noise fueled alt-rock of her band Speedy Ortiz and a unique take on pop with the debut album Slugger from her solo project Sad13. Dupuis brings a boatload of dimensions to the table while maintaining her trademark idiosyncrasies. Her debut shows that she’s not afraid to go beyond her artistic abilities to create a purely original sound.

Slugger has this “bedroom pop” vibe all over it. It seems like Dupuis surrounded herself with numerous instruments, pieces of equipment and programs to create a hodgepodge of melodic music. Cosmic, noisy and groovy elements are abundant in her debut while at the same time the variety is astounding. There’s nothing boring about the album, each track is bound to grab hold of the senses in different ways. It’s a prime example of Dupuis’ stellar songwriting abilities and how she can create her own artistic identity.

A track that’s similar to Speedy Ortiz’s material is “Line Up”, there’s a bunch of punk driven noise that flows from start to finish. The lyrical breakdowns are pristine while the rest of the song is absolutely intense. A holiday theme is obviously present in the title of “Krampus (In Love)”, a haunting number about a beast who devours naughty children around this particular time of year.  “Hype” is thunderous with a bass driven dance aesthetic. There’s a faint disco aura abundant as well, kind of like the stuff you’d hear from a bunch of classic rock acts in the late ‘70s.

Sad13 will be taking the stage at The Middle East in Cambridge, MA on December 14 with Vagabon, Emily Reo and Told Slant. Chances are Dupuis will also have a few special guests joining her as well so stop by and see who’ll be making an appearance. It’s a fantastic opportunity to see an artist’s imagination run wild in an intimate setting. While you’re at the show, grab a copy of Slugger. It’s an interesting pop record that’s made by one of the most unique musicians out there today.