
Sciflyer, The Age of Lovely Intimate Things [Revised Edition]

Post Author: Michael Brummett

Founded in the early 2000s out of California, Sciflyer‘s craft drowns out vocals with a soundscape birthed to battle for your mind. An intriguing emphasis on instrumentals certainly levels the field, and challenges our focus to shift away from a lyrical body of work. Even the formerly out-of-print 2005 version made a purposeful declaration of such, having completely left out lyrics from the release.

The Age of Lovely Intimate Things [Revised Edition] is a genre-revival, pulling its own weight with a well-paced claim of origination before their own time. The album artwork mirrors their tone and meaning, providing an incredible depth to this production, blurring out a raging wildfire tearing through a forest. Seeming like a well-kept secret, a gentle wall of noise still keeps your attention throughout the album.

Naturally sprawling, confident, and positive, “The Same Thing Goes For Christmas” is a light introduction to a degree higher of harshness, transitioning into “Like An Ion”. Sciflyer’s beyond-the-surface storytelling here is cast as a strength, taking listeners through a fog of both trance and enlightenment. Ultimately, pop elements most clearly emerge in “Chemical World” as the lyrics nearly overtake still increasingly distorted backdrops, although the blurring wins out.

The concluding chorus found in “Never Come Down” is a fittingly entitled wrap-up of a worthwhile odyssey, that lends itself to subconsciously latching onto a person’s mind. Living and breathing in the background with their drowned out vocals, The Age of Lovely Intimate Things [Revised Edition] champions a sonic dreamscape, interbred with a pop-like inspiration.

The Age of Lovely Intimate Things [Revised Edition] is available on Bandcamp, with Sciflyer’s musings found on Facebook.