
Black Wine, “Rime”

Post Author: John Ambrosio

New Jersey punk band Black Wine just premiered their new single “Rime” over at Wandering Sound from their upcoming album Yell Boss—their first album since 2012’s fantastic Hollow Earth LP and, based on “Rime”, it already sounds a whole lot heavier (and, fittingly, yell-ier).

If Black Wine had previously blurred the lines between pop-punk and sludge metal, then with “Rime” they’re inching toward the later. Throughout most of the song, the band runs the same distorted, palm-muted riff into the ground, pausing from their slog occasionally to throw in some lead parts. The lyrics also have a distinctly metal feel, complete with the obligatory references to classic literature—in this case the Coleridge poem “Rime of the Ancient Mariner”—including the song’s chorus, in which frontman Jeff Schroek repeats the line “Trade this cross for an albatross.” Look for Yell Boss when it comes out on Don Giovanni Records August 12 and check out their upcoming tour dates:

Black Wine tour dates:

14 – Circuit City, New Brunswick with Street Eaters

01 -EJ’s in Seaside, NJ with After the Burn
22 – Death By Audio, Brooklyn with Nuclear Santa Claust
23 – Pittsburgh, PA
24 – Cincy, OH
25 – Chicago, IL
26 – Bloomington, IN
27 – Lexington, KY
28 – Charlotte, NC
29 – Richmond, VA
30 – Baltimore, MD