
Debut: Coasting, “For Hours”

When Fiona Campbell hit us up about premiering the new Coasting video for their track "For Hours", she explained that this was the first time she and cohort Madison Farmer had actually been on screen for one of their videos. The obvious question was, 'why is that?' Turns out it was simply happenstance. Fiona explains:

The video for "For Hours" was shot at Malibu State Park by Sarah Manuwal who also made the claymation video for our song "Portland". The shoot initially wasn't planned, we were setting out on a tour down the West Coast to SXSW in March and a few shows fell through leaving us with a weekend free in LA where Sarah lives, it was fate. We talked about some loose ideas for the video, being a two piece we were trying to think of female duos in history and I immediately thought of one of favorite movies Heavenly Creatures, based on a true story of two young girls in New Zealand. It seemed to suit us and the song perfectly, and Sarah had some great ideas and locations close by. We happened to get Malibu State Park on a particularly beautiful spring day, lots of cottonwood was falling and added to the whole witchy vibe that was happening all on its own. This is the first Coasting video that has us actually in it, I dont think thats on purpose, but its how it worked out. It's kind of great because music videos are great highlighters for music, but they can also spoon feed you an aesthetic that if you don't connect with visually as the audience you can be dismissive of the music. A lot of bands with women in them are pressured to exploit that sense of aesthetics too, so I'm kind of glad we got to have some other videos under our belts that can be pieces of art unto themselves and not just an accompaniment to the music, they all seemed to inspire each other. It was great to finally get to be in a music video for Coasting, it was really fun to make, and Sarah's an amazing director.

I guess that pretty much sums it up. But for those of you who need some idea of what you're getting in to before clicking play, the theme is based around the notion that Fiona and Madison are lost and seeking out each other by leaving clues along the way. Now do you feel better?

"For Hours" is from Coasting's debut LP, You're Never Going Back, which is available now on M'lady's Records.