
Colleen Green, “TV”

Post Author: Lexy Cullinan

Colleen Green’s latest full-length, I Want to Grow Up, is out this week on Hardly Art. In the meantime, she’s shared a new video for album cut “TV”. The song shows Colleen’s appreciation for pop music with a well-placed chorus that is accessible in its simplicity, while also being a transparently honest account of social anxiety and the consequential desire to be isolated in front of a TV screen. The video features re-imagined versions of popular TV shows as overtly caricatured and colorful, emotionless in all of its emotion. Directed by L.A. artist Faye Orlove, there are cameos from members of Girlpool, Slutever, and R.L. Kelly as well as other friends. Recorded in the duration of 10 days at Sputnik Sound in Nashville, I Want to Grow Up is out on February 24.