
Danny Denial, "Caliphornia"

Post Author: Michael Brummett

An ex-LA filmmaker gives it all up for music.


Danny Denial is a Seattle-based post-punk/alternative act, currently prepping his first full-length LP release. Danny abandoned a short film production career before ultimately pursuing music in late 2015. Bringing together the now three-piece band, friends Adam Cignatta (keys/bass) and Ian Dexter-Crawford (drums) joined where the play gigs at venues such as El Corazon, Columbia City Theater and the historic Crocodile.
“Caliphornia” is a part of the forthcoming LP Goodbye, a product of experimentation, drawing from various elements of his greatest influences — 70’s punk, 80’s new wave, and 90’s alternative.
Before moving to Seattle, Danny Denial got his first look at the dire state of music by interning at MTV Networks in Santa Monica. His discomfort with the culture and growing alienation in L.A. inspired the lyrics for “Caliphornia” and another track on the upcoming record “Satan Monica”.
Interestingly, Danny’s next creative venture is to bridge the gap between his pursuits in music with narrative filmmaking and plans to write and direct his next music video as a short film.


“Caliphornia” crushes the bar with its grit and unquestioned service to music legends of the Northwest. Its ‘partly sunny’ backdrop is an ideal within post-punk, retaining the universality of Danny Denial’s sentiment through an infectiously melodic act.
This is a ‘since the beginning’ confidence for a relatively new outfit — which is incredibly refreshing and honestly well-deserved. With vocals that almost haunt and chase you after listening, you may not notice the totality of the mindshare the group commands.
Talented and certainly not shy, Danny Denial and “Caliphornia” are immensely striking and most compelling of all, spokespeople for the masses, even outside of their particular niche.
We are being treated to the forthcoming Goodbye as soon as February, and that is the single most exciting piece of news we could be given today. After all, what we were left wanting was more. 4.5/5.


You can best support Danny and his crew through their Bandcamp, on their iTunes artist page, and by following them on Spotify to know when Goodbye is released. They’re on Facebook, too.