
Debut: CHURCHES, “Lovelife”

San Francisco's CHURCHES just released their Lovelife 7" and premiere the single's video statement of true love. The supergroup featuring members from Rogue Wave, WATERS, and Port O'Brien, and gathers together Caleb Nichols, Pat Spurgeon and Dominic East with their respective immediate families and friends. The Olan Mills-esque family gallery portraits provide a humanist take on the real definition of family currently being tackled by the Supreme Court's review of the Defense of Marriage Act's constitutionality or Proposition 8's unconstitutional same-sex marriage ban of hate. It is this timeliness that resounds in the powerful delivery of Caleb's immediacy of, "Oh kiss me quick, before it hits, I'm yours and you are mine."

The genuine focus of Dalan and Paige's video puts the spotlight on families. Not family as an 'f-word' buzz term for politico jingoism or for the gain of shadowy lobbyists, but as a nurturing statement of love based on the character of what and who we are, without having others define, decide and deny the many things that make up our being. "I think that it's a sin, to hate your kindred kin, I was born this way, now here me say, I am just who I am."

The groups chorus chants of "ooohs" declare the autonomy of their "Lovelife(s)" as natural as the relationship between the wild living organisms of plants, trees and the connection to their adjoining foliage. "I love my dearest friend, I'm going to marry him, hold on to what you think you can as leaves cling to a branch." Addressing the homophobic haters, Caleb marches forth hand in hand with his red flanneled lover tearing down the marginalized confines of closets, darkened corners and the stigmas put upon by the ignorant intolerance of others. "Some folks think that it's not right, to love my man and marry him and move out in the light." Through the song and video's anthemic course, CHURCHES invite you to march with them in support and welcome all in their sanctuary of equal rights and love for all.

CHURCHES' Lovelife 7" is available now with their San Francisco release party December 22 at Bottom of the Hill, joined by So Cal friends, Tijuana Panthers.

Director – Dalan McNabola
Assistant Director – Paige Richardson
Title Design – Timothy Palmer

Written and performed by CHURCHES: Caleb Nichols, Pat Spurgeon, Dominic East
Recorded by Ian Pellicci at Tiny Telephone, San Francisco, CA