
Debut: Tropical Popsicle, “The Tethers”

San Diego's Tropical Popsicle have committed to its neo-psych sound like no band before them and transformed themselves into vibrant lava lamp people. As the result of a radioactive spider bite under an already bad acid trip, Tropicle Popsicle have surpassed the fried explorations of the 13th Floor Elevators tenfold, by living the experience with their entire being. Rather than fight crime, the band has chosen to focus all its efforts into writing songs and seeking day trippers across the globe to assist in their mind-altering journey. Previous summer tours include: the Pyramids, The Sphinx, Bonaroo, and Lake Tahoe.

"The Tethers" is off Tropical Popsicle's The Age of Attraction EP, which can be heard at Top Pop's Bandcamp and purchased for $3.

Tropical Popsicle's west coast tour:
16 Costa Mesa, CA – Detroit Bar
17 San Francisco, CA – Vacation Vintage
19 Seattle, WA – The Funhouse
20 Portland, OR – The Slabhouse
21 Chico, CA – Origami
22 San Diego, CA – Soda Bar
26 Los Angeles, CA – The Smell (FYF Presents w/ The Men)