
Debut: You'll Never Get To Heaven, “Drowning Out”

Whistling hit its high water mark of the past decade thanks to Peter, Bjorn and John and rap music finds a way to put a cancer in our ears with jams built around the whistle, which all amounts to us being on the cusp of over the lip service. We are barely impressed when Andrew Bird does it anymore and that's just sad.

Rather than utilize the whistle as the backbone, Canada's You'll Never Get To Heaven trap it in an echo chamber to magnify their delicate dream pop track, "Drowning Out". It's as though the band dropped a penny down a well, made a wish, and this was the reply from dark abyss.

As part of a co-premiere with French journos Hartzine,"Drowning Out" conjures images of a distant Paris, long before we were born, and just after a summer evening's down pour.

You'll Never Get To Heaven's S/T debut is available for preorder now at Divorce. The record is out October 11.