
Donovan Wolfington, “Sadhead”

Post Author: Mike Sosnick
Donovan Wolfington, "Sadhead"

It has happened to all of us. We walk out of our front door, just to get a bite to eat or maybe check our mail, when we’re hit with a flying tape. That’s how Donovan Wolfington’s music video for “Sadhead” starts—innocent enough, right? What follows is a ghoul-filled stupor fueled by a pink and purple Radio Shack cassette player, a comically oversized pipe, and some seriously fuzzy rock ’n roll. Blank stares on the couch and a tiny glowing neon dragon give way to floating body parts, blood-gushing orifices, and masked zombies with male genitalia occasionally drawn on their foreheads. It’s a good PSA for today’s youth: never take tapes from strangers.

This single from Donovan Wolfington’s upcoming sophomore LP, How to Treat the Ones You Love, is another round of the fuzzy punk the New Orleans band has begun to master. Straightforward, distorted guitar rock at its finest, “Sadhead” is both heavy and catchy. Just like “Mosquito”, it’s whetting our appetites for the feast that the new record will be.

How to Treat the Ones You Love, is out August 21 on Topshelf Records. Pre-order here.