
Faces On Film, “The Rule”

From Faces On Film's album Elite Lines, standout track "The Rule" is given a visual edge courtesy of animator Carlos Lopez Estrada to accompany the song's panoramic perspectives on natural orders within human-made societies.

Frontman Mike Fiore's voice plays about the cartoon flames, smoky emissions, and contrasts of impromptu waterfalls and passing streams that pour upon the cityscapes. Suburban shots of houses, lawns, fences, and yards are interrupted by the drawn-on flames and soot that leap from the home's widows like a low-anxiety emergency. The neighborhood lit on fire is later met by the metropolitan opposite where water descends from the manufactured artifices of buildings, and towers of hubris —only to return back to that natural, spring crevice of grounded, dirt-dusted earth. Faces on Film's Elite Lines is available now.

Find them on the following tour dates:

16 New York, NY – Mercury Lounge with Highasakite
18 Washington, DC – Black Cat with Highasakite
29 Cambridge, MA – Redstar Union with Sarah Rabdau & Self-Employed Assassins, When Parts Collide
03 New York, NY – Rockwood Music Hall (Communion Club Night)
26 – Cambridge, MA – The Sinclair w/ Marissa Nadler + GEM Club