
Free Cake For Every Creature, “For You”

Post Author: Jes Skolnik
Free cake for every creature

“For You,” the first single from Katie Bennett (aka Free Cake For Every Creature)’s new album Talking Quietly of Anything With You, is a sweet, spritely pop song with the kind of effervescent melody Bennett’s known for, so it’s no surprise that in the video she and her pals, including Sports, are seen enjoying donuts of all sorts. Bennett excels at making pop hooks sound completely breezy and effortless, hanging her songs together precisely but with a feather-light touch. “For You” is a great introduction to Bennett’s craft for those unfamiliar and a great reminder for fans of everything that makes her work worthwhile—sugary, absolutely, but never saccharine.

Talking Quietly Of Anything With You will be released on April 15. It is available for preorder on Double Double Whammy.