
Free Pizza, “Net Babes”

Post Author: Zack Wilks

We’ve all been there, right? Meeting this really cool person at a party (or some other place), only talking long enough above the drunken buzz of the party’s (or some other place’s) denizens to realize that the other person is cool. Maybe you catch the person’s name. If this were a party of yore (e.g., pre-Facebook), you’d have asked that other person’s number, but now we’ve got Facebook, so fuck that—too much effort, right? So you find this other person on Facebook and experience a miniature drama in your head as to whether or not you should friend request this person. Well, if this sounds like you, then it won’t be hard to connect with Free Pizza’s new video for “Net Babes”, which Impose is psyched to be premiering here.

Free Pizza hail from Boston, MA (as the name of their most recent album suggests), and the video for “Net Babes” pays homage to their home city. The Casey Herz-directed video features two hip kids, played by Grayson Hartwick and Amanda King, cavorting across a public park, smoking weed, drinking 40s, and just having a generally fun, young time. The song itself is true to Free Pizza’s very wacky and truly unique punk-country farce. Barely crossing the two-minute mark, “Net Babes” reflects the very internet fantasy the video depicts; leaving it at fantasy seems like the best thing to do: “And when you message me/I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Also, there’s a bass solo, so for all the low end nerds out there, that’s pretty cool too.

Free Pizza’s Boston, MA cassette is out now on BUFU Records, and a 12″ version of the release is due sometime soon via BUFU and Feeding Tube Records.

Video credits:

Video by:
Casey Herz

Acting by:
Grayson Hartwick
Amanda King
Free Pizza

Sound Recording by:
Marina Argyriou

Text by:
Virginia de las Pozas

Special Thanks to:
Ben Katzman & BUFU Records
David Tames
Luke Jumes