
Frog, “All Dogs Go to Heaven”

Post Author: David Glickman

What is gleamed from riding on public transportation? That seems to be the question Frog are asking with their video for “All Dogs Go to Heaven”. Using spliced together film footage, a narrative is crafted out the collage of material, tracking the journey of a drunk man as he rides on a train. Suburbia, fountains, other cities, other passengers are all part of his experience, as the components of his ride offer small windows into the worlds of everyone else. It makes for a melancholy portrait that matches the song wonderfully.

Hailing from Queens, NY, the band is surely accustomed to the experience of living in a place where every moment is shared with thousands of others. Their capture these experiences with lopsided lyrics like the closing line of “All cabs go to Bedford and N 11/All dogs go to heaven/Grandmas go to reverends/All punks hang outside of the 7-11.” Inaccurate universal truths gleamed from witnessing a world filled with several other melancholic, distant people as you pass them by.

Frog’s Kind of Blah is out now on Audio Anti-Hero.