
F.Stokes, “Let's Build”

From the Live Poets to Saul Williams, F. Stokes carries the torch of spoken word as a definitive source in hip hop on "Let's Build". The Broolyn by way of Chicago emcee is floating down Bedstuy, along the same streets Spike Lee filmed Do The Right Thing. The minimalist production, carefully accented with blue notes, is the extended backdrop to F. Stokes' wisdom like"everything we give life to / we kill".

While it feels like an opportune time for F. Stokes' "Let's Build", there's never not been a right time for words of bettering oneself and community. The presence of "Let's Build" merely speaks to the unflinching condition, ever in need of good reminder. F. Stokes makes no accusations towards those who are causing the struggle, and in admitting to his own imperfections he's reassuring his brothers and sisters we are in this together.

F. Stokes' Fearless Beauty is out now on iTunes.