
Headwaves, “Mama”

Post Author: Meredith Schneider

Four piece indie rock collective Headwaves has been making waves this year in their home base of Seattle. Comprised of frontman Ryan Barber, Larson Haakenstad, Chris Malstedt, and Brett Zadlo, the quartet was assembled when Barber decided his folk songs needed a different, more instrumental, force behind them. Now, these guys are ready to take their act global. As they set to take over the west coast this September, we’ve got the premiere of their very first single. World, meet Headwaves and their music video for the track “Mama”.

The song starts off with the gusto that continues throughout, the first lyrics, “Mama, don’t be so scared.” We can imagine this as a folk song as it was most likely originally intended, but the way they have layered the track – unique percussion elements, waning synth, and guitar chords that make you melt into the song – is remarkable.

The video itself is beautifully shot, comprised of old home videos of her woven between shots of a beautiful woman walking in what looks like a collection of warehouses, running her red fingertips along bring walls and balancing on 2 x 4s. The shots split between the woman wearing black in this industrial part of town and wearing white, dancing in a field. The ending is open to interpretation, as it can be read quite morbidly. But we choose to believe in the positive, that she is simply opening her eyes to observe different aspects of the world around her.

Takeaway quote? “It’s not what’s on the outside, it’s what you carry within.” Because it’s absolutely true.

To keep up with Headwaves and find out when they’re dropping by your city, check out their Facebook and follow them on Instagram.