In a year marred by turmoil and uncertainty, London-based quintet Heavy Heart turned out to be one of the more consistently great things to look forward to in 2016. The band spent the entirety of last year releasing a new song every month while stretching out and exploring new elements around their rich, dreamy alt-rock center-point.
Naturally, Heavy Heart has compiled those 12 songs into a full-length release, Keepsake, on a short run of “Raspberry Red” vinyl with single “Fruitfly” getting a music video treatment in line with releases from their forebears in the 90s. Anna Vincent (guitar, vox) tries to shoo the titular pests away trying to keep the world at large away from the inner peace she’s found; “I’ve got something that’s so good // Everybody wants a taste.” Whereas most young London bands these days veer off into mechanical post-punk or sparkling shoegaze-pop, Heavy Heart has the chops and confidence to move ahead in their own lane, fruitflies be damned.
Keepsake is now available via I Can & I Will.