
Premiere: Holiday Crowd, “Sick Days”

Representing Toronto's rougher hood of Scarborough, Ontario; The Holiday Crowd is proud to present the video debut of "Sick Days". The quartet brings you away from the worlds of work and responsibilities and takes you to their home turf's fields and waterways lead by Imran Haniff's vocals, the sharp guitar from Colin Bowers, Alex Roberts' rhythm bass and David George Barnes' four quarter drum beat.

Bowers' guitar rings in bright clear tones with the faint reel spinning trails of Haniff's voice reverberate as the band travels in toe along the great geological escarpment wonders of the North. "I chose to live my life like the prophets did, in style, in style" Drinking from the golden goblet of their 80s indie forefathers, they adopt an ascetic's restraint that places high art on a pedestal where even their music video becomes a sleak and smart serving of DIY northern noir.

After a day of kite sailing on the bluffs, the worlds of schools, lessons and rules dissipate and exist somewhere inland or over the water. "It's a game I learned to play by third grade, I refuse, I refuse, I refuse to learn their ways." Asserting life's learned knowledge from youth with defiance, The Holiday Crowd takes some time to sail miniature origami ships in the creek harbors to juxtaposed images of a hawk to their kite's flight. Director Matthew Sitler and film editor Wlodek Redzej present the band in car window screen tests followed by the vanity appearance of a mysterious hawk holding woman. "I can't see the stars from the back of the car, it's nothing, it's nothing…" From the sudden rain bursts, headlight beaconed film lighting; the darkness chases the four away leaving the rosé tethered aircraft behind.

The Holiday Crowd's album Over the Bluffs is available January 24 from MANIMAL VINYL.