
Jaala, “Ticket”

Post Author: Emily Chu

The Australian band Jaala is comprised of Cosima Jaala, Maria Moles, Nik Lam, and Jules Pascoe. The quartet has recently released the music video for their track, “Ticket,” and it’s certainly one of a kind.

When talking about the video, singer/songwriter/guitarist Cosima Jaala said that “‘Ticket’ is a conversation with myself about interpersonal dysfunction that occurs in a place called ‘after love happens.’ We shot the video in my half abandoned share house on the brink of demolition; so it felt right to shoot a clip for Ticket then, because there was stuff to break. Its also a well known fact if you have seen any grunge video clips from the 90’s that the set has to look super dingy. Thomas Henning directed the video, so naturally he got me all broody and demented in half light for most of the shoot. The scenes with the band were fun because we got to pretend we were real rock and roll stars, smashing shit and looking really cool. The big cherry on top was ripping apart a pink monkey and accidentally inhaling lots of little styrofoam balls, may they rest in my sooty lungs till the day I die.”

The video certainly has that classic grunge feel from the 90’s – with dingy dirty surrounded and half visibility in the visuals. Jaala looks bewitched as she squats on the floor and screams. There are floods of various different colors in the scenes that the band is playing, before the visuals cut back to Jaala being on her own in a vacant room. As the video goes on, it becomes increasingly violent and things start to get broken. Check out this classic grunge video above!